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SSW Interview introducing Contextive | NDC Sydney 2024

Watch this for a quick (14min) overview of how to use Contextive.

Video Introduction to Contextive

Managing Domain Knowledge | Virtual DDD, May 2024

Longer (1hr, 32min) demonstration including a philosophical introduction to knowledge management through a systems thinking lens (40 mins) and then a 50min in-depth exploration of using Contextive with audience participation:

Managing Domain Knowledge

Shorter (1hr, 05min) version of the above talk:

Managing Domain Knowldge

Ubiquitous F# in Contextive, the Ubiquitous Language Tool | FSharpConf 2023

Overview of using Contextive as well as a demo of how it is designed and built and some speculation about future plans.

Ubiquitous F# in Contextive, the Ubiquitous Language Tool

Experiences Building a Language Server Protocol | Jetbrains Plugin Developers Conference, Nov 2024

Introduction to Contextive in the context of how it was added to the IntelliJ platform:

Contextive in the IntelliJ Platform

Ubiquitous Language, Simplified

A video by Bran van der Meer all about the Ubiquitous Language which references Contextive.

Ubiquitous Language, Simplified

TDD & DDD from the Ground Up

A series of conference talks that are primarily about Test Driven Development and Domain-Driven Design, but which include demonstation of and discussion of the use of Contextive:

In C#

TDD & DDD from the Ground Up - in C#

In Java

TDD & DDD from the Ground Up - in Java